方便使用英文的朋友。 ^-^ tracy..希望别介意噢。。
1) open an 800x800 pixel document and fill it black
2) make a new layer
3) get the elliptical marquee tool and make a large circular selection while holding the shift key; make sure the selection takes up quit a bit of the document
4) go to Filter>>Render>>Clouds and then Filter>>Render>>Difference Clouds
5) press Ctrl+I to invert, then press Ctrl+L and move the gray, middle slider all the way to the right; press ok
6) go to Filter>>Distort>>Spherize and spherize to 100% two times
7) go to Filter>>Stylize>>Find Edges, then press Ctrl+I
8) press Ctrl+U and colorize it with Hue-0 Saturation-100
9) duplicate the layer, and colorize the duplicated layer with Hue-40 Saturation-100; set blending mode to Linear Dodge and press Ctrl+E to merge the two layers
10) repeat steps 4-9 three or four times, and make a new set of clouds and difference clouds each time; then set each resulting fireball to Linear Dodge so it will blend with the one before it, and press Ctrl+E to merge them into one
11) go into the Layer Styles, and add a Inner and Outer glow with the color FFC600 ; adjust to your heart's content